SKU: K00036853
It is a powerful antioxidant, exterminating free radicals. 60tabs.
 Πίσω στο: Health Care

In recent years the interest of the scientific community has been focused on two important carotenoids: the lutein and zeaxanthin, as more and increasing body of evidence demonstrates the beneficial effect of their consumption (especially lutein) to the maintenance of normal vision with increasing age.

Lutein is a yellow carotenoid, which is not manufactured by the body and therefore must be obtained through diet or supplements. Like all carotenoids Lutein is a powerful antioxidant, exterminating free radicals.

The biological role of lutein is particularly important, since lutein is found in high concentrations in the macula.

The macula is the part of the retina responsible for detailed vision. Also, lutein is a natural filter of ultraviolet radiation that can damage the macula

The Eyewise provides 10mg of lutein (pure, free form) per tablet, making our product one of the strongest on the market. Also contains bilberry, blackberry and grapeseed (as a concentrated extract), which have strong antioxidant properties, particularly in the eye.

Dosage : 1 tablet daily. If necessary obtainable second tablet.

Allergies : None Precautions: Should not be taken by pregnant or lactating women.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place and protected from light.
