The hyaluronic acid is a natural hydrophilic component that exists naturally in our bodies and can attract and hold water up to 1000 times its weight. The hydrophilic property is very important and essential for the preservation of the moisture of the skin and other tissues. The greater amount of HA is in the skin tissue: about 7-8g each adult.

 The amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and our daily need for protein is actually a need for amino acids. Dietary amino acids are divided into core and non-core. The essential amino acids can not be manufactured by the body but must be obtained from the diet. Non basically and those necessary for health, but can be prepared from the key. And basic and non-basic reassembled within the organization to hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters, antibodies and vectors nutrients. Amino acids are the most popular dietary supplements category, mainly for advanced athletes seeking additional results.

As a dietary supplement obtained by cleavage of the protein by the process of hydrolysis. Depending on the degree of hydrolysis of the protein affords small amino acid compounds (or tripeptides) or individual free amino acids. The most appropriate time to obtain the free acid form is immediately after training, where the need of the organization for them is great and the rate is eliminated little or not at all. Surveys show that more value for the athlete have peptide bond amino acids. The body recognizes them more easily and has enough time to absorb. These amino acids will protect the body to avoid the destruction of muscle protein from highly intense workouts or a low calorie diet.

The best method is hydrolysis using enzymes to break the protein. Important is the source of amino acids. Amino acids from egg white, beef, turkey definitely inferior biological value compared with those derived from lactalbumin (whey).

The lactalbumin is the most usable source of amino acids for a demanding athlete, because therein outweigh amino acids BCAA branching chain is L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine. The BCAA amino acids are those that protect the body to avoid the destruction of muscle protein from highly intense workouts or a low calorie diet. Marketed as separate dietary supplement and very effective if taken in an amount of four tablets before training and four after.

The addition of vitamins to amino acid formulations certainly play a role in the absorption, which is relatively small. Vitamin B6 appears to play a somewhat more important role in this matter. The peptide bond amino acids commonly found in liquid or tablet form. An important factor for assessing the quality of an amino acid preparation is the source of hydrolyzed protein.

Choosing So amino acid supplement should beware of the following:

  •  Source and method of cleavage of amino acids.
  •  How many mg contains per tablet and price comparison based on the same quantity: eg cost per 10.000 mg amino acids between different formulations.
  •  Validity and reliability of the production company and handling of the product.

Regarding the absorption of essential amino acids is simultaneously taking a drink rich in carbohydrates because the body because of the great need that is after training for glucose, uses the amino acids to create glucose and not for muscle recovery. Furthermore muscle recovery without replenishing glucose directly, can not occur without muscle recovery have no muscle development.

As for growth hormone actually during training produced by the body and especially of course to the end of the training. But this production halt, anyway, as soon as the athlete finished the workout, when your carbohydrate intake with amino acids at the end of training will play a positive or negative role in the secretion of this hormone.


Amino acid forms are:

  • The L forms the native form amino acid found in nature
  • The D forms must not be used
  • The DL forms with phenylalanine for alleviating chronic pain

And attention, because long-term use of individual amino acids may disturb the balance of the rest. Also, when there is simultaneous use of individual amino acids and formulation with combination of essential amino acids, the download should take place at different times in order to ensure any insufficient amino acids in the body.